iDRIVE evcX Ultimate Throttle Controller Suit 2019+ Chev Silverado

SKU: X530
Sale price$299.00 Regular price$349.00
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Get a better response from your 2019+ Chev Silverado when you install the iDrive. It alters the throttle response through the different settings to get the extra kick off the line, or a smoother acceleration when you're crawling through the sand.

  • U for Ultimate Mode = Instant throttle response
  • E for Economy Mode = A more controlled response, great for driving in the rain / offroad or when towing a caravan
  • AC for Automatic Control = Automatically adjusts to pedal pressure
  • -- for Factory Throttle Response
  • No interference with vehicle's ECU
  • No increased fuel usage

* This product suits the 2019+ Chev Silverado

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